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Monday, August 3, 2009

ere are different levels and these makeup tips for brown eyes will
wear the darker colors that other women have to pass on.

Of cours

s also easy to create visual interest with a natural look.
Brown ey
brown eyes almost always focus on dramatic eye makeup looks but it'
der which colors to choose.

Beautiful Brown Eyes

Makeup tips for

s – it all works for you. Still, there are times when you might won
re the easiest of all because you have a color of eyes that every c
Hot smokin brown eyes

You lucky girl! Makeup tips for brown eyes a

skin care basics

Great skin care is the best "in care"!

Skin Conditions: Skin Care Basics

  • Your skin reflects your health. It's your body's canvas and one of its most valuable assets. For good skin care, start developing healthy habits that guard your valued possession from outer (and inner) forces. It's the only skin you'll ever get, so your daily habits mean everything. Here are some basic skin care tips:
  • Clean and moisturize your skin daily. Wash your face twice daily - once in the morning and once at night before going to bed. After you cleanse your skin, follow with a toner and moisturizer.
  • Toners help to remove fine traces of oil, dirt and make-up that you may have missed when cleansing. Moisturizing is necessary even for people with oily skin. Buy a moisturizer that is best suited for your skin type (dry, normal or oily).
  • Block the sun. Over time, exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun causes many changes in the skin, including wrinkles, discoloration, freckles or age spots, benign (non-cancerous) growths such as moles, and pre-cancerous or cancerous growths such as basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma. In fact, most skin cancers are related to sun exposure. Always wear sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 15 or greater.
  • Seek professional help for skin problems. Skin's not going to be perfect. It can be dry or oily; it can develop rashes and acne, among many other issues. Address the problem with a professional skin expert, either a skin aesthetician at your local salon or a dermatologist for more severe skin problems.
  • Eat a balanced diet. Eat a healthy and balanced diet. Avoid fried and greasy foods.
    Self screening. Over the course of your life, you should pay attention to all parts of your skin. Familiarize yourself with it, so you'll notice any changes that might occur, such as different moles or patches that might indicate
    skin cancer. Whenever you have a question or concern, make sure you see your doctor
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Sunday, August 2, 2009

Lipsticks glassy gloss ! I love them them all fashion I breathe eat and sleep! I don't believe I'm some sortbof expert I just like what I like and I hope that while I do my little show and tell of makeup and fashion someone likes it and will join me on my journey!

Now I would have to say that makeup sucks if it's on bad skin! By that I mean unclean skin! Skin needs a moisturizing cleaner a toner or a refreasher and a moisturizing lotion to restore. After that is done you can do glam ie makeup and fashion allday! But clean healthy skin is vital! Smooches